Source code for Potapov_Code.Time_Sims

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar  2 15:52:32 2015

@author: gil
@title: Time_Sims

#example for using ODE library

from scipy.integrate import ode
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Time_Delay_Network
import Potapov

[docs]def time_sim(Example, omega = 0., t1=150, dt=0.05, freq=None, port_in = 0, port_out = [0,1], kind='FP', ): ''' takes an example and simulates it up to t1 increments of dt. freq indicates the maximum frequency where we look for modes omega indicates the frequency of driving. omega = 0 is DC. port_in and port_out are where the system is driven. ''' E = Example(max_freq = freq) if freq != None else Example() E.run_Potapov() T,T_testing,poles,vecs = E.get_outputs() print "number of poles is ", len(poles) num = len(poles) [A,B,C,D] = Potapov.get_Potapov_ABCD(poles,vecs) y0 = np.matrix([[0]]*A.shape[1]) t0 = 0 force_func = lambda t: np.cos(omega*t) r = ode(f).set_integrator('zvode', method='bdf') r.set_initial_value(y0, t0).set_f_params(A,B,force_func,port_in) Y = [C*y0+D*force_func(t0)] while r.successful() and r.t < t1: r.integrate(r.t+dt) #print r.t, r.y u = force_func(r.t) Y.append(C*r.y+D*u) time = np.linspace(t0,t1,len(Y)) plot_time(time,Y,port_out,port_in,num=num,kind=kind) return
[docs]def stack_func_port(force_func,forcing_port,t,max_size): u = np.vstack( (np.matrix([0]*forcing_port),force_func(t)) ) \ if forcing_port > 0 else np.matrix([[force_func(t)]]) u = np.vstack( (u,np.matrix([0]*(max_size-forcing_port-1)) )) \ if (max_size-forcing_port-1) > 0 else u return u
[docs]def test_stacking(): print "u ", stack_func_port(np.sin,1)
[docs]def f(t, y, A,B, force_func,forcing_port): u = stack_func_port(force_func,forcing_port,t,B.shape[1]) return A*np.asmatrix(y).T+B*np.asmatrix(u)
[docs]def plot_time(time,y,port_out,port_in,num=0,kind='FP',format = 'pdf'): #plt.figure(1) plt.figure(figsize=(9,6)) y_coords = [ [np.abs(y_el[i,port_in]) for y_el in y] for i in port_out] plt.xlabel('time',fontsize=24) plt.ylabel('Norm of Output',fontsize=24) plt.title('Time domain output with '+ str(num) \ +(' Mode' if num == 1 else ' Modes'), fontsize=28 ) [plt.plot(time,y_coords[i],label='Output port '+str(i)) for i in port_out] plt.tight_layout() plt.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 plt.legend(loc = 5,fontsize=24) plt.tick_params(labelsize=20) plt.savefig(kind + str(num)+ '.' + format,format=format) return
if __name__ == "__main__" and False: ''' Run a single simulation of a Fabry-Perot cavity. freq is the maximum frequency to look for poles. Setting it to 1 only gets the pole at zero. ''' ########################################### eg = Time_Delay_Network.Example2 kind = 'FP' ## Fabry-Perot time_sim(eg,port_out = [1],t1=50,dt=0.0005, freq = 1.) ########################################### ''' Run several simulations of FP ''' # eg = Time_Delay_Network.Example2 # kind = 'FP' ## Fabry-Perot # # for num in xrange(5,7): # time_sim(eg,port_out = [0,1],t1=50,freq = 1.+np.pi*num,\ # kind=kind) # ########################################### ''' Run a double - Fabry Perot (i.e. three mirrors) ''' #eg = Time_Delay_Network.Example3 #kind = 'DFP' ##'double'-Fabry-Perot #for num in xrange(105,106): # time_sim(eg,port_out = 1,t1=10,dt=0.0001,freq = 1+np.pi*num,\ # kind=kind) ###########################################