Source code for Potapov_Code.Time_Delay_Network

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar  2 17:37:37 2015

@author: gil
@title: examples
import Roots
import Potapov
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from numpy import pi
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#import mpmath as mp ## for complex-valued plots
from functions import double_up
from functions import der
from functions import Pade
from functions import spatial_modes
from functions import gcd_lst
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify

from decimal import Decimal

[docs]def plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors,lw,name,*args): ''' A method to plot the absolute value and phase of each component for a list of matrix-valued functions in the complex plane along an axis. Args: L (float): plot from 0 to L. dx (float): distance between points. labels (list of str): labels to use. colors (list of srt): indicators of color for different curves. lw (float): line width to use. name (str): name of the file to save. * args (a list of functions): A list of functions to plot. Returns: None. ''' delta = np.pi x = np.linspace(0,L,2.*L/dx) [rows,cols] = args[0](0).shape plt.figure(figsize=(18,12)) for k,func in enumerate([np.abs,np.angle]): for i in xrange(rows): for j in xrange(cols): plt.subplot(2*rows,cols,1+j+(2*i+k)*cols) plt.tight_layout() s = "norm of component " \ if k == 0 else "phase of component " s += "["+str(i)+","+str(j)+"]" plt.tick_params(labelsize=20) plt.title(s, fontsize=24) plt.xlabel('frequency (rad)', fontsize=20) for l,arg in enumerate(args): y = np.asarray([func(arg(x_el*1j)[i,j]) for x_el in x ]) jumps = np.r_[0, np.where(np.abs(np.diff(y)) > delta)[0] + 1, y.size] for m in range(jumps.size-1): start, end = jumps[m:m + 2] if m == 0: plt.plot(x[start:end], y[start:end], colors[l], label = labels[l], lw = lw) else: plt.plot(x[start:end], y[start:end], colors[l], lw = lw) if k == 0: ## plotting abs plt.axis([0,L,0,1]) else: ## ploting angle plt.axis([0,L,-np.pi,np.pi]) art = [] lgd = plt.legend( loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1),shadow=True, fancybox=True, fontsize=18) art.append(lgd) plt.savefig(name,additional_artists=art, bbox_inches="tight") return
[docs]class Time_Delay_Network(): ''' A class to contain the information of a passive linear network with time delays. Attributes: max_freq (optional [float]): maximum height in the complex plane. max_linewidth (optional [float]): maximum width in the complex plane. N (optional [int]): number of points to use on the contour for finding the roots/poles of the network. center_freq (optional [float] ): how much to move the frame up or down the complex plane. ''' def __init__(self,max_freq=30.,max_linewidth=1.,N=1000,center_freq = 0.): self.max_freq = max_freq self.max_linewidth = max_linewidth self.N = N self.Potapov_ran = False self.center_freq = center_freq return def _make_decimal_delays(self,): self.Decimal_delays = map(lambda x: Decimal(str(x)),self.delays) self.Decimal_gcd = self._find_commensurate(self.Decimal_delays)
[docs] def make_roots(self): '''Generate the roots given the denominator of the transfer function. ''' ret, self.roots = Roots.get_roots_rect(self.T_denom,self.Tp_denom, -self.max_linewidth/2.,self.center_freq, self.max_linewidth/2.,self.max_freq,N=self.N) return
def _find_commensurate(self,delays): ''' Find the 'gcd' but for Decimal numbers. Args: delays(list of Demicals): numbers whose gcd will be found. Returns: Decimal gcd. ''' mult = min([d.as_tuple().exponent for d in delays]) power = 10**-mult delays = map(lambda x: x*power,delays) int_gcd = gcd_lst(delays) return int_gcd/power def _make_T_denom_sym(self,): r''' A method to prepare the symbolic expression T_denom_sym for further computations. This expression represents the denominator in terms of a symbol x, which represents the shortest time delay in the network. ''' self._make_decimal_delays() self.x = sp.symbols('x') E_sym = sp.Matrix(np.zeros_like(self.M1)) for i,delay in enumerate(self.Decimal_delays): E_sym[i,i] = self.x**int(delay / self.Decimal_gcd) M1_sym = sp.Matrix(self.M1) self.T_denom_sym = sp.apart((E_sym - M1_sym).det()) ## I use apart above because sympy yields a function that is not ## completely reduced. Alternatively, can use *.as_numer_denom() ## and take the first component for the numerator. However, this could ## results in spurious roots if the denominator is nontrivial. return # def get_symbolic_frequency_perturbation_T_and_z(self,simplify = False): # r''' # A method to prepare the symbolic expression T_denom_sym for further # computations. This expression represents the denominator in terms of # the various delays :math:`T_1,...,T_k` and the complex variable # :math:`z`. # # This method treats the various delays as separate variables. # To get the expression we Taylor expand about both :math:`\Delta_z` # as well as :math:`\Delta T_j`. # # Args: # simplify (optiona[boolean]): simplify the output sympy expression. # ''' # M = len(self.delays) # self._make_decimal_delays() # try: # self.z,self.z_Delta,self.Ts,self.Ts_Delta # except: # self.z, self.z_Delta = sp.symbols('z dz') # self.Ts = [sp.symbols('T_'+str(i)) for i in range(M)] # self.Ts_Delta = [sp.symbols('dT_'+str(i)) for i in range(M)] # # xs = [sp.symbols('x_'+str(i)) for i in range(4) ] # E_sym = sp.Matrix(np.zeros_like(self.M1)) # for i,delay in enumerate(self.Decimal_delays): # E_sym[i,i] = xs[i] # M1_sym = sp.Matrix(self.M1) # num, den = (E_sym - M1_sym).det().as_numer_denom() # D = {x: sp.exp(-self.z*T) for x,T in zip(xs,self.Ts)} # exp_periodic = num.subs(D) # T_expression = sum([exp_periodic.diff(T)*T_d # for T,T_d in zip(self.Ts,self.Ts_Delta)]) # # ## Next solve for the first-order perturbation. # ## The commented-out line might be slow -- the code below does the same. # #sol = sp.solve(T_expression + exp_periodic.diff(z)*z_Delta, z_Delta)[0] # # diff_z = exp_periodic.diff(self.z) # T_temps = [sp.symbols('T_temp_'+str(i)) for i in range(M)] # D_tmp = {self.z*T:T_t for T,T_t in zip(self.Ts,T_temps)} # D_inv = {T_t:self.z*T for T,T_t in zip(self.Ts,T_temps)} # D = {T:dT for T,dT in zip(self.Ts,self.Ts_Delta)} # diff_z2 = diff_z.subs(D_tmp) # diff_z3 = diff_z2.subs(D) # diff_z4 = diff_z3.subs(D_inv) # sol = -self.z*diff_z4 / diff_z # # return sp.simplify(sol) if simplify else sol
[docs] def get_symbolic_frequency_perturbation_z(self,): r''' A method to prepare the symbolic expression T_denom_sym for further computations. This expression represents the denominator in terms of the various delays :math:`T_1,...,T_k` and the complex variable :math:`z`. The inputs should be :math:`z,(T_1+\Delta T_1,...,T_k+\Delta T_k)` This method treats the various delays as separate variables. Returns: A pair of two symbolic expressions (tuple): T_denom_sym and its derivative in :math:`z`. ''' M = len(self.delays) self._make_decimal_delays() try: self.z,self.z_Delta,self.Ts except: self.z, self.z_Delta = sp.symbols('z dz',complex=True) self.Ts = [sp.symbols('T_'+str(i),real=True) for i in range(M)] xs = [sp.symbols('x_'+str(i)) for i in range(M) ] E_sym = sp.Matrix(np.zeros_like(self.M1)) for i,delay in enumerate(self.Decimal_delays): E_sym[i,i] = xs[i] M1_sym = sp.Matrix(self.M1) num, den = (E_sym - M1_sym).det().as_numer_denom() D = {x: sp.exp(self.z*T) for x,T in zip(xs,self.Ts)} exp_periodic = num.subs(D) diff_z = exp_periodic.diff(self.z) return (exp_periodic, diff_z)
# def get_frequency_pertub_func_T_and_z(self,simplify = False): # sym_freq_pert = self.get_symbolic_frequency_perturbation_T_and_z(simplify = simplify) # def new_func(z_num,Ts_num,Delta_Ts_num): # D = {T:T_num for T,T_num in zip(self.Ts,Ts_num)} # D.update({self.z:z_num}) # D.update({Delta_T:Delta_T_num for Delta_T,Delta_T_num in zip(self.Ts_Delta,Delta_Ts_num)}) # return complex((sym_freq_pert.subs(D)).evalf()) # return new_func # ## lambdify below seems to ignore the imaginary part. # #return sp.lambdify( (self.z,self.Ts,self.Ts_Delta), sym_freq_pert.expand(complex=True)) def _get_newtons_func(self,expression): ''' Takes an expression in terms of Ts and sp.exp(-z*T) for T in Ts, and returns a complex-valued function for it. Here :math:`z = x + i y` is a complex number. Args: expression (sympy expression): A symbolic expression. Returns: a function in x,y,Ts that returns the value of the input expression. ''' x,y = sp.symbols('x y', real = True) D = {sp.exp(self.z*T): sp.exp(x*T)*(1j*sp.sin(y*T)+sp.cos(y*T)) for T in self.Ts} expression2 = expression.subs(D) num_real,num_imag = expression2.expand().as_real_imag() f_r = ufuncify( [x,y]+self.Ts, num_real) f_i = ufuncify( [x,y]+self.Ts, num_imag) return lambda x,y,Ts: f_r(x,y,*Ts)+f_i(x,y,*Ts)*1j
[docs] def get_frequency_pertub_func_z(self,use_ufuncify = True): ''' Generates a function that can be used to perturb roots using Newton's method. This function has form :math:`-f(z) / f'(z)` when the time delays are held fixed. We give two ways to generate the perturbative function. One is by directly plugging in numbers into a sympy expression and the second is by using the ufuncify method to creative a wrapper for the function. Args: use_ufuncify (optional [boolean]): whether to use ufuncify or not. Returns: Newton's method function (function): The function to use for Newton's method in :math:`z`, :math:`-f(z) / f'(z)`. ''' sym_freq_pert = self.get_symbolic_frequency_perturbation_z() if not use_ufuncify: sym_freq_pert = -sym_freq_pert[0] / sym_freq_pert[1] def func(z_num,Ts_num): D = {T:T_num for T,T_num in zip(self.Ts,Ts_num)} D.update({self.z:z_num}) return complex((sym_freq_pert.subs(D)).evalf()) return func else: real_imag_func_num = self._get_newtons_func(sym_freq_pert[0]) real_imag_func_denom = self._get_newtons_func(sym_freq_pert[1]) def func(z_num,Ts_num): x,y = z_num.real,z_num.imag return - ( real_imag_func_num(x,y,Ts_num) / real_imag_func_denom (x,y,Ts_num) ) return func
[docs] def get_minimizing_function_z(self,): r''' Minimizing this function gives the adjusted roots. Gives a function to minimize, its arguments are :math:`x,y,Ts`. Also gives its derivative. Returns: Minimizing function (function): A function of :math:`x,y,*Ts` to minimize in the two variables, :math:`x,y`. ''' expression = self.get_symbolic_frequency_perturbation_z()[0] x,y = sp.symbols('x y', real = True) D = {sp.exp(self.z*T): sp.exp(x*T)*(1j*sp.sin(y*T)+sp.cos(y*T)) for T in self.Ts} expression2 = expression.subs(D) num_real,num_imag = expression2.expand().as_real_imag() diff_x_real = num_real.diff(x) diff_y_imag = num_real.diff(y) func = ufuncify( [x,y]+self.Ts, num_real**2 + num_imag**2) dfunc_x = ufuncify( [x,y]+self.Ts,num_real*diff_x_real) dfunc_y = ufuncify( [x,y]+self.Ts, num_imag*diff_y_imag) return func, lambda x,y,*Ts: np.asarray([dfunc_x(x,y,*Ts),dfunc_y(x,y,*Ts)])
def _find_instances_in_range_good_initial_point(self,z,freq_range,T): ''' Find numbers of the form :math:`z + Tni` where :math:`T` is the period and :math:`n` is an integer inside the given frequency range. Assumes the given z is in the desired frequency range. Args: z (complex number). freq_range (2-tuple): (minimum frequency, maximum frequency). Returns: (list of complex numbers): list of numbers of the desired form. ''' lst_in_range = [z] num_below = int((z.imag - freq_range[0])/T ) num_above = int((freq_range[1] - z.imag)/T ) above_range = (np.asarray(range(num_above))+1) * T below_range = (np.asarray(range(num_below))+1) * T lst_in_range += [z + 1j * disp for disp in above_range] lst_in_range += [z - 1j * disp for disp in below_range] return lst_in_range def _find_instances_in_range(self,z,freq_range,T): ''' Find numbers of the form :math:`z + Tni` where :math:`T` is the period and :math:`n` is an integer inside the given frequency range. Args: z (complex number). freq_range (2-tuple): (minimum frequency, maximum frequency). Returns: (list of complex numbers): list of numbers of the desired form. Empty list if none exist. ''' if z.imag >= freq_range[0] and z.imag <= freq_range[1]: return self._find_instances_in_range_good_initial_point(z,freq_range,T) elif z.imag > freq_range[1]: min_dist = (int((z.imag - freq_range[1])/T)+1) * T max_dist = int((z.imag - freq_range[0]) / T) * T if min_dist > max_dist: return [] else: return self._find_instances_in_range_good_initial_point( z - 1j*min_dist,freq_range,T) else: min_dist = (int((freq_range[0] - z.imag)/T)+1) * T max_dist = int((freq_range[1] - z.imag)/T) * T if min_dist > max_dist: return [] else: return self._find_instances_in_range_good_initial_point( z + 1j*min_dist,freq_range,T)
[docs] def make_commensurate_roots(self,list_of_ranges = []): ''' Assuming the delays are commensurate, obtain all the roots within the frequency ranges of interest. Sets self.roots a list of complex roots in the desired frequency ranges. Args: list_of_ranges (optional [list of 2-tuples]): list of frequency ranges of interest in the form: (minimum frequency, maximum frequency). Returns: None. ''' self._make_T_denom_sym() poly = sp.Poly(self.T_denom_sym, self.x) poly_coeffs = poly.all_coeffs() roots = np.roots(poly_coeffs) zs = np.asarray(map(lambda r: np.log(r) / float(self.Decimal_gcd), roots)) T_gcd = 2.*np.pi / float(self.Decimal_gcd) self.map_root_to_commensurate_index = {} lst_to_return = [] for freq_range in list_of_ranges: for i,r in enumerate(zs): prev_len = len(lst_to_return) new_roots = self._find_instances_in_range(r,freq_range,T_gcd) len_new_roots = len(new_roots) lst_to_return += new_roots for j in range(prev_len,prev_len + len_new_roots): self.map_root_to_commensurate_index[j] = i self.roots = lst_to_return self.commensurate_roots = zs return
[docs] def make_commensurate_vecs(self,): self.commensurate_vecs = Potapov.get_Potapov_vecs( self.T,self.commensurate_roots) self.vecs = map( lambda i: self.commensurate_vecs[self.map_root_to_commensurate_index[i]], range(len(self.roots)) ) return
[docs] def make_T_Testing(self): '''Generate the approximating transfer function using the identified poles of the transfer function. ''' self.T_testing = Potapov.get_Potapov(self.T,self.roots,self.vecs) return
[docs] def make_vecs(self): '''Generate an ordered list of vectors representing the form of the Potapov factors. ''' self.vecs = Potapov.get_Potapov_vecs(self.T,self.roots) return
[docs] def make_spatial_modes(self,): '''Generate the spatial modes of the network. ''' self.spatial_modes = spatial_modes(self.roots,self.M1,self.E,delays=self.delays) return
[docs] def run_Potapov(self, commensurate_roots = False, filtering_roots = True): '''Run the entire Potapov procedure to find all important information. The generated roots, vecs, approximated transfer function T_Testing, and the spatial_modes are all stored in the class. Args: commensurate_roots (optional[boolean]): which root-finding method to use. filtering_roots (optional[boolean]): makes sure the poles of the transfer function all have negative real part. Drops ones that might not. Returns: None. ''' self.Potapov_ran = True if commensurate_roots: self.make_commensurate_roots([(-self.max_freq,self.max_freq)]) if filtering_roots: self.roots = [r for r in self.roots if r.real <= 0] self.make_commensurate_vecs() else: self.make_roots() if filtering_roots: self.roots = [r for r in self.roots if r.real <= 0] self.make_vecs() self.make_T_Testing() self.make_spatial_modes() return
[docs] def get_outputs(self): '''Get some of the relevant outputs from the Potapov procedure. Returns: `self.T`,`self.T_testing`,`self.roots`,`self.vecs` (tuple): The original transfer function, the approximating generated transfer function, the identified poles of the transfer function, and the vectors representing the form of the Potapov factors. Raises: Exception: Must have `self.T,self.T_testing,self.roots,self.vecs`. ''' if self.Potapov_ran: return self.T,self.T_testing,self.roots,self.vecs else: raise Exception("Must run Potapov to get outputs!!!") return
[docs] def get_Potapov_ABCD(self,z=0.,doubled=False): ''' Find the ABCD matrices from the Time_Delay_Network. Args: z (optional [complex number]): location where to estimate D. Return: (tuple of matrices): A,B,C,D matrices. ''' A,B,C,D = Potapov.get_Potapov_ABCD(self.roots,self.vecs,self.T,z=z) if not doubled: return A,B,C,D else: A_d,C_d,D_d = map(double_up,(A,C,D)) B_d = -double_up(C.H) return A_d,B_d,C_d,D_d
[docs]class Example1(Time_Delay_Network): ''' Single input, single output with a single delay. ''' def __init__(self, max_freq=30.,max_linewidth=1.,N=1000, center_freq = 0., tau = 0.3,r = 0.8): Time_Delay_Network.__init__(self, max_freq,max_linewidth,N,center_freq) self.tau = tau self.delays = [tau] self.r = r self.M1=np.matrix([[r]]) self.E = lambda z: np.exp(-z*self.tau) self.T = lambda z: np.matrix([(np.exp(-z*self.tau) - self.r)/ (1.-self.r* np.exp(-z*self.tau))]) self.T_denom = lambda z: (1.-self.r* np.exp(-z*self.tau)) self.Tp_denom = lambda z: der(self.T_denom,z)
[docs]class Example2(Time_Delay_Network): ''' Two inputs, two outputs with a delay (i.e. Fabry-Perot). ''' def __init__(self, max_freq=10.,max_linewidth=10.,N=1000, center_freq = 0., r=0.9,tau = 1.): Time_Delay_Network.__init__(self, max_freq,max_linewidth,N,center_freq) self.r = r self.delays = [tau] e = lambda z: np.exp(-z*tau) dim = 2 self.M1 = np.matrix([[0,r],[r,0]]) self.E = lambda z: np.matrix([[e(z),0],[0,e(z)]]) self.T_denom = lambda z: (1.-r**2* e(z)**2) self.T = lambda z: -r*np.eye(dim) + ((1.-r**2.)/self.T_denom(z)) * \ np.matrix([[r*e(z)**2,e(z)],[e(z),r*e(z)**2]]) self.Tp_denom = lambda z: der(self.T_denom,z)
[docs]class Example3(Time_Delay_Network): ''' Two inputs and two outputs, with four delays and third mirror This corresponds to figures 7 and 8 in our paper. ''' def __init__(self, max_freq=60.,max_linewidth=1.,N=5000, center_freq = 0., r1=0.9,r2=0.4,r3=0.8, tau1 = 0.1, tau2 = 0.23,tau3 = 0.1,tau4 = 0.17, ): Time_Delay_Network.__init__(self, max_freq,max_linewidth,N,center_freq) self.r1 = r1 self.r2 = r2 self.r3 = r3 self.delays =[tau1,tau2,tau3,tau4] t1 = np.sqrt(1-r1**2) t2 = np.sqrt(1-r2**2) t3 = np.sqrt(1-r3**2) dim = 4 self.M1 = np.matrix([[0,-r1,0,0], [-r2,0,t2,0], [0,0,0,-r3], [t2,0,r2,0]]) self.M2 = np.matrix([[t1,0], [0,0], [0,t3], [0,0]]) self.M3 = np.matrix([[0,t1,0,0], [0,0,0,t3]]) self.M4 = np.matrix([[r1,0], [0,r3]]) E = lambda z: np.matrix([[np.exp(-tau1*z),0,0,0], [0,np.exp(-tau2*z),0,0], [0,0,np.exp(-tau3*z),0], [0,0,0,np.exp(-tau4*z)]]) self.E = E self.T_denom = lambda z: la.det(np.eye(dim) - self.M1*E(z)) self.Tp_denom = lambda z: der(self.T_denom,z) self.T = lambda z: self.M3*E(z)*la.inv(np.eye(dim) - self.M1*E(z))*self.M2+self.M4
[docs]class Example4(Time_Delay_Network): ''' Two inputs and two outputs, with free delay (i.e. not in a loop). This corresponds to figures 9 and 10 in our paper. ''' def __init__(self, max_freq=100.,max_linewidth=3.,N=5000,center_freq = 0.): Time_Delay_Network.__init__(self, max_freq,max_linewidth,N,center_freq) tau1 = 0.1 tau2 = 0.039 tau3 = 0.11 tau4 = 0.08 self.delays = [tau1,tau2,tau3,tau4] r = 0.9 t = np.sqrt(1-r**2) dim = 4 M1 = np.matrix([[0,0,-r,0], [r,0,0,0], [0,r,0,t], [t,0,0,0]]) self.M1 = M1 M2 = np.matrix([[t,0], [0,t], [0,0], [0,-r]]) M3 = np.matrix([[0,0,t,0], [0,t,0,-r]]) M4 = np.matrix([[r,0], [0,0]]) E = lambda z: np.matrix([[np.exp(-tau1*z),0,0,0], [0,np.exp(-tau2*z),0,0], [0,0,np.exp(-tau3*z),0], [0,0,0,np.exp(-tau4*z)]]) self.E = E self.T_denom = lambda z: la.det(np.eye(dim) - M1*E(z)) self.Tp_denom = lambda z: der(self.T_denom,z) self.T = lambda z: M3*E(z)*la.inv(np.eye(dim) - M1*E(z))*M2+M4
[docs]class Example5(Time_Delay_Network): ''' Modified example 4, with analytic term. ''' def __init__(self, max_freq=50.,max_linewidth=3.,N=1000,center_freq = 0.,): Time_Delay_Network.__init__(self, max_freq ,max_linewidth,N,center_freq) tau1 = 0.1 tau2 = 0.039 tau3 = 0.11 tau4 = 0.08 self.delays = [tau1,tau2,tau3,tau4] r = 0.9 t = np.sqrt(1-r**2) dim = 4 M1 = np.matrix([[0,0,-r,0], [r,0,0,0], [0,r,0,t], [t,0,0,0]]) self.M1=M1 M2 = np.matrix([[t,0], [0,t], [0,0], [0,-r]]) M3 = np.matrix([[0,0,t,0], [0,t,0,-r]]) M4 = np.matrix([[r,0], [0,0]]) E = lambda z: np.matrix([[np.exp(-(tau1+tau4)*z),0,0,0], [0,np.exp(-(tau2-tau4)*z),0,0], [0,0,np.exp(-tau3*z),0], [0,0,0,1.]]) self.E=E self.T_denom = lambda z: la.det(np.eye(dim) - M1*E(z)) self.Tp_denom = lambda z: der(self.T_denom,z) self.T = lambda z: M3*E(z)*la.inv(np.eye(dim) - M1*E(z))*M2+M4
[docs]def example6_pade(): ''' This example is the same as example 3, but we return a Pade approximation instead of a Potapov approximation. Instead of returnings roots, etc., we return a different kind of function (see below). This is used for figure 14 of our paper. Returns: T (matrix-valued function in complex number `z` and integer `n`): An approximation to :math:`T(z)` using Pade approximation of order :math:`n`. ''' tau1 = 0.1 tau2 = 0.23 tau3 = 0.1 tau4 = 0.17 r1 = 0.9 r2 = 0.4 r3 = 0.8 t1 = np.sqrt(1-r1**2) t2 = np.sqrt(1-r2**2) t3 = np.sqrt(1-r3**2) dim = 4 M1 = np.matrix([[0,-r1,0,0], [-r2,0,t2,0], [0,0,0,-r3], [t2,0,r2,0]]) M2 = np.matrix([[t1,0], [0,0], [0,t3], [0,0]]) M3 = np.matrix([[0,t1,0,0], [0,0,0,t3]]) M4 = np.matrix([[r1,0], [0,r3]]) def E(z,n): taus = [tau1,tau2,tau3,tau4] tau_tot = sum(taus) ns = [*t)) for t in taus] while (sum(ns) < n): j = np.argmax([abs(t/tau_tot - float(i)/n) for t,i in zip(taus,ns)]) ns[j] +=1 while (sum(ns) > n): j = np.argmax([abs(t/tau_tot - float(i)/n) for t,i in zip(taus,ns)]) ns[j] -=1 return np.matrix([[Pade(ns[0],-z*tau1),0,0,0], [0,Pade(ns[1],-z*tau2),0,0], [0,0,Pade(ns[2],-tau3*z),0], [0,0,0,Pade(ns[3],-tau4*z)]]) T = lambda z,n: M3*E(z,n)*la.inv(np.eye(dim) - M1*E(z,n))*M2+M4 return T
[docs]def plot3D(f,N = 2000,x_min = -1.5, x_max = 1.5, y_min = -25., y_max = 25., name = "complex_plane_plot.pdf", title = 'Complex Frequecy Response Diagram', xlabel = r'Cavity damping rate ($\kappa$)', ylabel = r'Detuning ($\Delta$)'): ''' Make a color and hue plot in the complex plane for a given function. Used code from Args: f (function): to plot. N(optional[int]): number of points to use per dimension. Returns: None. ''' def colorize(z): r = np.abs(z) arg = np.angle(z) h = (arg) / (2 * pi) + 0.5 l = 1.0 - 1.0/(1.0 + r**0.3) s = 0.8 c = np.vectorize(hls_to_rgb) (h,l,s) # --> tuple c = np.array(c) # --> array of (3,n,m) shape, but need (n,m,3) c = c.swapaxes(0,2) return c x,y = np.ogrid[x_min:x_max:N*1j, y_min:y_max:N*1j] z = x + 1j*y f_vec = np.vectorize(f) w = f_vec(z) img = colorize(w) plt.imshow(img, extent = [x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max], aspect = 0.1) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.savefig(name)
#fig = mp.cplot(f, [-10,10], [-10, 10], points = points) # fig.savefig("complex_plane_plot.pdf") # return if __name__ == "__main__": print 'Running' ################ ## Plot for complex-valued functions with and without time delay ## This part uses mpmath ################ # tau=1.; r=0.8 # E = Example1(max_freq = 500., max_linewidth = 1.0,tau=tau,r=r) # E.run_Potapov() # # T,T_1,roots1,vecs1 = E.get_outputs() # # f = lambda z: (mp.exp(-z*tau) - r)/(1.-r* mp.exp(-z*tau))*mp.exp(-z*tau) # f2 = lambda z: (mp.exp(-z*tau) - r)/(1.-r* mp.exp(-z*tau)) # plot3D(f,N = 50) ## plot3D(f2,N = 500000) ################ ## Plot for complex-valued functions for example 3. ################ E = Example3(max_freq = 50,max_linewidth = 3.0) E.run_Potapov(commensurate_roots = True) T,T_1,roots1,vecs1 = E.get_outputs() f = lambda z: la.det(T(z)) plot3D(f,N = 1000,x_min = 0., x_max = 3.0, y_min = -35.,y_max = 35.) # plot3D(f2,N = 500000) ################ ## Input/output plot for example 1 ################ # L = 100. # dx = 0.3 # freqs = [30.,50.,80.,100.] # T_ls = []; roots_ls = []; vecs_ls = [] # # for freq in freqs: # E = Example1(max_freq = freq) # E.run_Potapov() # T,T_,roots,vecs = E.get_outputs() # T_ls.append(T_) # roots_ls.append(roots) # vecs_ls.append(vecs) # # labels = ['Original T'] + ['Potapov T of Order '+str(len(r)) # for r in roots_ls] # colors = ['b','r--','y--','m--','c--'] # # plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors,0.5,'example_tmp.pdf',T,*T_ls) ################ ## Input/output plot for example 3 ################ # L = 100. # dx = 0.3 # freqs = [30.,50.,80.,100.] # T_ls = []; roots_ls = []; vecs_ls = [] # # for freq in freqs: # E = Example3(max_freq = freq) # E.run_Potapov() # T,T_,roots,vecs = E.get_outputs() # T_ls.append(T_) # roots_ls.append(roots) # vecs_ls.append(vecs) # # labels = ['Original T'] + ['Potapov T of Order '+str(len(r)) # for r in roots_ls] # colors = ['b','r--','y--','m--','c--'] # # plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors,0.5,'figure_8_v3.pdf',T,*T_ls) ########### ## Testing example 3 as above, but now using commensurate roots. ########### # L = 1000. # dx = 0.5 # freqs = [300.,500.,800.,1000.] # T_ls = []; roots_ls = []; vecs_ls = [] # # for freq in freqs: # E = Example3(max_freq = freq) # E.run_Potapov(commensurate_roots=True) # T,T_,roots,vecs = E.get_outputs() # T_ls.append(T_) # roots_ls.append(roots) # vecs_ls.append(vecs) # # labels = ['Original T'] + ['Potapov T of Order '+str(len(r)) # for r in roots_ls] # colors = ['b','r--','y--','m--','c--'] # # plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors,0.5,'figure_8_commensurate.pdf',T,*T_ls) ################ ## Input/output plot for example 4 ################ # L = 100. # dx = 0.05 # freqs = [50.,80.,100.,125.] # T_ls = []; roots_ls = []; vecs_ls = [] # # for freq in freqs: # E = Example4(max_freq = freq) # E.run_Potapov() # T,T_,roots,vecs = E.get_outputs() # T_ls.append(T_) # roots_ls.append(roots) # vecs_ls.append(vecs) # # E5 = Example5(max_freq=30.) # E5.run_Potapov() # T_correct,T_1_correct,roots1_correct,vecs1_correct = E5.get_outputs() # T_ls = [T_correct] + T_ls # # labels = ['Original T','T with feedforward removed'] + \ # ['Potapov T of Order ' +str(len(r)) for r in roots_ls] # colors = ['b','black','r--','y--','m--','c--'] # # plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors, 0.5,'figure_10_v4.pdf', # T,*T_ls) ################# ### Input/output plot for example 5 ################# # # L = 100. # dx = 0.05 # freqs = [30.,50.,65.,80.] # T_ls = []; roots_ls = []; vecs_ls = [] # # for freq in freqs: # E = Example5(max_freq = freq) # E.run_Potapov() # T,T_,roots,vecs = E.get_outputs() # T_ls.append(T_) # roots_ls.append(roots) # vecs_ls.append(vecs) # # labels = ['Original T'] + ['Potapov T of Order '+str(len(r)) # for r in roots_ls] # colors = ['b','r--','y--','m--','c--'] # # plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors,0.5,'example_tmp2.pdf',T,*T_ls) ################# ### Input/output plot for example 6 ################# # E = Example3() # T_orig,T_1,roots1,vecs1 = E.get_outputs() # T = example6_pade() # # L = 100. # dx = 0.05 # ns = [9,15,19] # # args = [T_orig]+[lambda z: T(z,9),lambda z: T(z,15),lambda z: T(z,19)] # lw = 0.5 # name = "figure_14_v3.pdf" # # labels = ['Original T'] + ['Pade T of order ' + str(n) for n in ns] # colors = ['b','k--','r--','y--'] # # plot_all(L,dx,labels,colors,0.5,'figure_14_v3.pdf',*args) ########### ## make scatter plot for the roots and poles of example 3 ########### # E = Example3(max_freq = 400.) # E.run_Potapov() # T,T_3,roots3,vecs3 = E.get_outputs() # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,10)) # # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2.add_patch( # patches.Rectangle( # (0.3,-0), # 0.5, # 100, # fill=False # remove background # ) # ) # # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax2.add_patch( # patches.Rectangle( # (0.3,-0), # 0.5, # 200, # fill=False # remove background # ) # ) # fig.suptitle('Zero-polt scatter plot', fontsize=20) # # # plt.xlim(-1.,1.) # plt.ylim(-400,400) # # plt.xlabel('linewidth', fontsize=18) # plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=16) # plt.scatter(map(lambda z: z.real, roots3),map(lambda z: z.imag, roots3)) # poles = map(lambda z: -z, roots3) # # plt.scatter(map(lambda z: z.real, poles),map(lambda z: z.imag, poles),c="red") # # ########## ## make scatter plot for the roots and poles of example 4 ########## # #print "making scatter plot for example 4" # #import matplotlib.patches as patches # # # E = Example4(max_freq = 400.) # E.run_Potapov() # T,T_4,roots4,vecs4 = E.get_outputs() #scl = 1 #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6*scl,10*scl)) # # #ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax2.add_patch( # patches.Rectangle( # (-2.9,-50), # 5.8, # 100, # linestyle = 'dashed', # color = 'red', # fill=False # remove background # ) #) # #ax2.add_patch( # patches.Rectangle( # (-2.95,-100), # 5.9, # 200, # linestyle = 'dashed', # color = 'blue', # fill=False # remove background # ) #) # #ax2.add_patch( # patches.Rectangle( # (-3,-150), # 6, # 300, # linestyle = 'dashed', # color = 'green', # fill=False # remove background # ) #) # #fig.suptitle('Pole-zero plot in the s-plane', fontsize=20) # # #plt.xlim(-4.,4.) #plt.ylim(-200,200) # #plt.axhline(0, color='black') #plt.axvline(0, color='black') # #plt.xlabel('Re(s)', fontsize=18) #plt.ylabel('Im(s)', fontsize=16) #xs = plt.scatter(map(lambda z: z.real, roots4),map(lambda z: z.imag, roots4), # s=80, facecolors='none', edgecolors='black',label='zero') #poles = map(lambda z: -z, roots4) # #os = plt.scatter(map(lambda z: z.real, poles),map(lambda z: z.imag, poles), # s=80,c="black",marker='x',label='pole') # #plt.rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = 1 # #plt.legend( handles=[xs,os]) # #plt.savefig('eg4_scatter.pdf') #