Source code for Potapov_Code.Potapov

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar  2 13:59:30 2015

@author: Gil Tabak
@title: Potapov

The code in this file implements the procedure for finding Blaschke-Potapov
products to approximate given functions near poles.

Please see section 6.2 in our manuscript for details:
(to be published in EPJ QT).


import numpy as np
import functions as f
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.linalg as la

[docs]def plot(L,dx,func,(i,j),*args): '''A nice function for plotting components of matrix-valued functions. Args: L (float): length along which to plot. dx (float): step length to take. func (function): complex matrix-valued function. i,j (tuple of ints): coordinate to plot. args (functions): Desired transformations on the inputs. ''' x = np.linspace(-L,L,2.*L/dx) for arg in args: plt.plot(x,[func(arg(x_el*1j)[i,j]) for x_el in x ]) return
[docs]def Potapov_prod(z,poles,vecs,N): r''' Takes a transfer function T(z) that outputs numpy matrices for imaginary :math:`z = i \omega` and the desired poles that characterize the modes. Returns the Potapov product as a function approximating the original transfer function. Args: z (complex number): value where product is evaluated. poles (list of complex numbers): The poles of the Potapov product. vecs (list of complex-valued matrices): The eigenvectors corresponding to the orthogonal projectors of the Potapov product. N (int): Dimensionality of the the range. Returns: (matrix): Complex-valued matrix of size :math:`N \times N`. ''' R = np.asmatrix(np.eye(N)) for pole_i,vec in zip(poles,vecs): Pi = vec*vec.H R = R*(np.eye(N) - Pi + Pi * ( z + pole_i.conjugate() )/( z - pole_i) ) return R
[docs]def get_Potapov_vecs(T,poles): ''' Given a transfer function T and some poles, compute the residues about the poles and generate the eigenvectors to use for constructing the projectors in the Blaschke-Potapov factorization. ''' N = T(0).shape[0] found_vecs = [] for pole in poles: L = (la.inv(Potapov_prod(pole,poles,found_vecs,N)) * f.limit(lambda z: (z-pole)*T(z),pole) ) ## Current bottleneck O(n^2). [eigvals,eigvecs] = la.eig(L) index = np.argmax(map(abs,eigvals)) big_vec = np.asmatrix(eigvecs[:,index]) found_vecs.append(big_vec) return found_vecs
[docs]def get_Potapov(T,poles,found_vecs): ''' Given a transfer function T and some poles, generate the Blaschke-Potapov product to reconstruct or approximate T, assuming that T can be represented by the Blaschke-Potapov product with the given poles. Also match the values of the functions at zero. If T is a Blaschke-Potapov function and the the given poles are the only poles, then T will be reconstructed. In general, there is possibly an analytic term that is not captured by using a Blaschke-Potapov approximation. Args: T (matrix-valued function): A given meromorphic function. poles (a list of complex valued numbers): The given poles of T. vecs (list of complex-valued matrices): The eigenvectors corresponding to the orthogonal projectors of the Potapov product. Returns: Potapov product (matrix-valued function): equation to T at z=0 and approximating T using a Potapov product generated by its poles and residues. ''' N = T(0).shape[0] return lambda z: T(0)*Potapov_prod(0,poles,found_vecs,N).H*\ Potapov_prod(z,poles,found_vecs,N)
[docs]def prod(z,U,eigenvectors,eigenvalues): ''' Return the Blaschke-Potapov product with the given eigenvalues and eigenvectors and constant unitary factor U evaluated at z. Args: z (complex number): where product is evaluated. U (complex-valued matrix): A unitary matrix. eigenvectors(list of complex-valued matrices): eigenvectors to use. eigenvalues(list of complex numebrs): eigenvalues to use. Returns: Product (complex-valued matrix): The Potapov product evaluated at z. ''' if eigenvectors==[] or eigenvalues == []: return U else: vec = eigenvectors[-1] val = eigenvalues[-1] N = U.shape[0] return prod(z,U,eigenvectors[:-1],eigenvalues[:-1])*\ (np.eye(N) - vec*vec.H + vec*vec.H*(z+val.conjugate())/(z-val))
[docs]def finite_transfer_function(U,eigenvectors,eigenvalues): ''' Give a rational Blaschke-Potapov product of z with the given eigenvalues and eigenvectors and constant unitary factor U. Args: U (complex-valued matrix): A unitary matrix. eigenvectors(list of complex-valued matrices): eigenvectors to use. eigenvalues(list of complex numebrs): eigenvalues to use. Returns: Transfer function (function): A function that takes a complex number and returns the Potapov product evaluated at that number. ''' return lambda z: prod(z,U,eigenvectors,eigenvalues)
[docs]def normalize(vec): ''' Normalize a vector. Args: vec (complex-valued matrix): A vector. Returns: (vector): The normalized vector. ''' return vec / la.norm(vec)
[docs]def estimate_D(A,B,C,T,z): r''' Estimate the scattering matrix S=D using the ABC matrices the transfer function T at a frequency :math:`z = i \omega`. Try to satisfy :math:`T(z) = D + C(zI-A)^{-1}B` Args: A,B,C (matrices): The A,B, and C matrices of the state-space representation. T (matrix-valued function): The input/output function to estimate. z (complex number): The location at which the scattering matrix will be estimated. Returns: D (matrix): The estimated S=D scaterring matrix based on the value of the function T and the ABC matrices. ''' N = np.shape(A)[0] return T(z)+C*la.inv(A-z*np.eye(N))*B
[docs]def get_ABCD(val, vec): ''' Make the ABCD model of a single Potapov factor given some eigenvalue and eigenvector. The ABCD model can be used to obtain the dynamics of a linear system. Args: val (complex number): an eigenvalue. vec (complex-valued matrix): an eigenvector. sym (optiona[boolean]): Modify :math:`B` and :math:`C` so that :math:`B = C.H`. Returns: [A,B,C,D] (list): Four matrices representing the ABCD model. ''' N = vec.shape[0] q = np.sqrt( -(val+val.conjugate()) ) return [val*vec.H*vec, -q*vec.H, q*vec, np.eye(N)]
[docs]def get_Potapov_ABCD(poles,vecs,T=None,z=None): ''' Combine the ABCD models for the different degrees of freedom. Args: val (a list of complex numbers): given eigenvalues. vec (a list of complex-valued matrices): given eigenvectors. Returns: [A,B,C,D] (list): Four matrices representing the ABCD model. ''' if min(len(poles),len(vecs)) < 1: print "Emptry list into get_Potapov_ABCD" elif min(len(poles),len(vecs)) == 1: return get_ABCD(poles[0],vecs[0]) else: [A1,B1,C1,D1] = get_Potapov_ABCD(poles[1:], vecs[1:]) [A2,B2,C2,D2] = get_ABCD(poles[0],vecs[0]) O = np.zeros((A1.shape[0],A2.shape[1])) A_first_row_block = np.hstack((A1,O)) A_second_row_block = np.hstack((B2 * C1, A2)) A = np.vstack((A_first_row_block,A_second_row_block)) B = np.vstack(( B1, B2*D1)) C = np.hstack(( D2*C1, C2)) if T != None and z != None: D = estimate_D(A,B,C,T,z) else: D = D2*D1 return [A,B,C,D]