Source code for Potapov_Code.Hamiltonian

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar 31 2015

@author: gil

import Roots
import Potapov
import Time_Delay_Network
import functions
import phase_matching
import phase_matching_hash

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import sympy as sp
import scipy.constants as consts
from scipy.optimize import minimize

import itertools
import copy

#from sympy.printing.theanocode import theano_function

from sympy.physics.quantum import Dagger as sp_Dagger
from sympy.physics.quantum.boson import *
from sympy.physics.quantum.operatorordering import *
from qnet.algebra.circuit_algebra import *

[docs]class Chi_nonlin(): r'''Class to store the information in a particular nonlinear chi element. Attributes: delay_indices (list of indices): indices of delays to use. start_nonlin (positive float or list of positive floats): location of nonlinear crystal with respect to each edge. length_nonlin (float): length of the nonlinear element. refraction_index_func (function): the indices of refraction as a function of the netural frequency :math:`/omega` AND polarization pol. chi_order (optional [int]): order of nonlinearity. chi_function (optional [function]): strength of nonlinearity. first (chi_order+1) args are frequencies, next (chi_order+1) args are indices of polarization. ''' def __init__(self,delay_indices,start_nonlin,length_nonlin, refraction_index_func = None, chi_order=3,chi_function = None): self.delay_indices = delay_indices self.start_nonlin = start_nonlin self.length_nonlin = length_nonlin self.chi_order = chi_order if refraction_index_func is None: self.refraction_index_func = lambda *args: 1. else: self.refraction_index_func = refraction_index_func if chi_function is None: self.chi_function = lambda *args: 1. else: self.chi_function = chi_function
[docs]class Hamiltonian(): '''A class to create a sympy expression for the Hamiltonian of a network. Attributes: roots (list of complex numbers): the poles of the transfer function. omegas (list of floats): The natural frequencies of the modes. modes (list of complex-valued column matrices): Modes of the network. delays (list of floats): The delays in the network. Omega (optional [matrix]): Quadratic Hamiltonian term for linear dynamics. nonlin_coeff (optional [float]): Overall scaling for the nonlinearities. polarizations (optional [list]): The polarizations of the respective modes. These should match the arguments in Chi_nonlin.chi_func. cross_sectional_area (float): Area of beams, used to determines the scaling for the various modes. chi_nonlinearities (list): A list of Chi_nonlin instances. TODO: Return L operator for QNET. TODO: decide what to do with roots of negative imaginary part (negative freq.) TODO: maybe re-organize the data into a dict of the form mode_inde: (root,mode,etc) TODO: Replace python floats by mpmath variables for arbitrary precision ''' def __init__(self,roots,modes,delays, Omega = None, nonlin_coeff = 1.,polarizations = None, cross_sectional_area = 1e-10, chi_nonlinearities = None, using_qnet_symbols = False, ): self.roots = roots self._update_omegas() self.m = len(roots) self.modes = modes self.delays = delays self.cross_sectional_area = cross_sectional_area self.Delta_delays = np.zeros((self.m,len(self.delays))) self.volumes = self.mode_volumes() self.normalize_modes() self.E_field_weights = self.make_E_field_weights() self.using_qnet_symbols = using_qnet_symbols self.t = sp.symbols('t') self.H = 0. self.nonlin_coeff = nonlin_coeff if chi_nonlinearities is None: self.chi_nonlinearities = [] else: self.chi_nonlinearities = chi_nonlinearities if Omega is None: self.Omega = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((self.m,self.m))) else: self.Omega = Omega if polarizations is None: self.polarizations = [1.]*len(self.delays) else: self.polarizations = polarizations if self.using_qnet_symbols: self.a = [Destroy(i) for i in range(self.m)] else: #self.a = [sp.symbols('a_'+str(i)) for i in range(self.m)] self.a = [BosonOp('a_'+str(i)) for i in range(self.m)] def _update_omegas(self,): self.omegas = map(lambda z: z.imag / (2.*consts.pi), self.roots) return
[docs] def Dagger(self, symbol): if self.using_qnet_symbols: return symbol.dag() else: return sp_Dagger(symbol)
# def adjusted_delays(self): # ''' # # ''' # N = len(self.delays) # M = len(self.Delta_delays) # delay_adjustment = [0.]*N # for i in range(M): # for j in range(N): # delay_adjustment[j] += self.Delta_delays[i,j] / M # return map(sum, zip(delay_adjustment, self.delays))
[docs] def make_Delta_delays(self,): ''' Each different frequency will experience a different shift in delay lengths due to all nonlinearities present. We will store those shifts as a list of lists in the class. This list is called Delta_delays. The ith list will be the shifts in all the original delays for the ith root (i.e. frequency). Returns: None. ''' self.Delta_delays = np.zeros((self.m,len(self.delays))) for chi in self.chi_nonlinearities: for i,omega in enumerate(self.omegas): for delay_index in chi.delay_indices: pol = self.polarizations[delay_index] index_of_refraction = chi.refraction_index_func(omega,pol) self.Delta_delays[i,delay_index] = ( (index_of_refraction - 1.)* chi.length_nonlin/consts.c) # print i,delay_index,'delta delay is', self.Delta_delays[i,delay_index] # print "Delta delays are", self.Delta_delays return
[docs] def perturb_roots_z(self,perturb_func,eps = 1e-12): ''' One approach to perturbing the roots is to use Newton's method. This is done here using a function perturb_func that corresponds to :math:`-f(z) / f'(z)` when the time delays are held fixed. The function perturb_func is generated in get_frequency_pertub_func_z. Args: perturb_func (function): The Newton's method function. eps (optional [float]): Desired precision for convergence. ''' max_count = 10 for j in range(max_count): self.make_Delta_delays() #delays depend on omegas old_roots = copy.copy(self.roots) for i,root in enumerate(self.roots): pert = perturb_func(root,map(sum,zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i]))) self.roots[i] += pert self._update_omegas() if all([abs(new-old) < eps for new,old in zip(self.roots,old_roots)]): print "root adjustment converged!" break else: "root adjustment aborted."
# def minimize_roots_z(self,func,dfunc,eps = 1e-12): # ''' # One approach to perturb the roots is to use a function in :math:`x,y` # that becomes minimized at a zero. This is done here. # # The result is an update to roots, omegas, and Delta_delays. # # Args: # func, dfuncs (functions): # Functions in x,y. The first becomes # minimized at a zero and the second is the gradient in x,y. # These functions are generated in # Time_Delay_Network.get_minimizing_function_z. # # eps (optional [float]): # Desired precision for convergence. # # ''' # max_count = 1 # for j in range(max_count): # self.make_Delta_delays() # old_roots = copy.copy(self.roots) # for i,root in enumerate(self.roots): # fun_z = lambda x,y: func(x,y,*map(sum,zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i]))) # fun_z_2 = lambda arr: fun_z(*arr) # dfun_z = lambda x,y: dfunc(x,y,*map(sum,zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i]))) # dfun_z_2 = lambda arr: dfun_z(*arr) # x0 = np.asarray([root.real,root.imag]) # minimized = minimize(fun_z_2,x0,jac = dfun_z_2).x # self.roots[i] = minimized[0] + minimized[1] * 1j # #print self.roots # self._update_omegas() # if all([abs(new-old) < eps for new,old in zip(self.roots,old_roots)]): # print "root adjustment converged!" # break # else: # "root adjustment aborted." # # def perturb_roots_T_and_z(self,perturb_func,eps = 1e-15): # r''' # For each root, use the corresponding perturbations in the delays # to generate the perturbation of the root. # # Args: # perturb_func (function): A function whose input is a tuple of the # form (z,Ts,Ts_Delta), where z is a complex number, while each # Ts and Ts_Delta are lists of floats. # # Each network pole `z^*` with the corresponding perturbed # delays will satisfy `perturb_func(z^*,Ts,Ts_Delta) = 0`. # ''' # # print 'roots before' # # print self.roots # # max_count = 200 # for j in range(max_count): # old_roots = copy.copy(self.roots) # for i,root in enumerate(self.roots): # #updated_delays = map(sum,zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i])) # #self.make_Delta_delays() # #updated_delta_delays = map(sum,zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i])) # pert = perturb_func(root,self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i]) # # print pert # self.roots[i] += pert # self._update_omegas() # if all([abs(new-old) < eps for new,old in zip(self.roots,old_roots)]): # break # # # print 'roots after:' # # print self.roots # return
[docs] def make_chi_nonlinearity(self,delay_indices,start_nonlin, length_nonlin,refraction_index_func = None, chi_order=3,chi_function = None): r'''Add an instance of Chi_nonlin to Hamiltonian. Args: delay_indices (int OR list/tuple of ints): The index representing the delay line along which the nonlinearity lies. If given a list/tuple then the nonlinearity interacts the N different modes. start_nonlin (float OR list/tuple of floats): The beginning of the nonlinearity. If a list/tuple then each nonlinearity begins at a different time along its corresponding delay line. length_nonlin (float): Duration of the nonlinearity in terms of length. (Units in length) refraction_index_func (function): The indices of refraction as a function of the natural frequency :math:`/omega`. chi_order (optional [int]): Order of the chi nonlinearity. chi_function (function): A function of 2*chi_order+2 parameters that returns the strenght of the interaction for given frequency combinations and polarizations. The first chi_order+1 parameters correspond to frequencies combined the the next chi_order+1 parameters correspond to the various polarizations. TODO: check units everywhere, including f versus \omega = f / 2 pi. ''' if isinstance(delay_indices, int): delay_indices = [delay_indices] chi_nonlinearity = Chi_nonlin(delay_indices,start_nonlin, length_nonlin,refraction_index_func=refraction_index_func, chi_order=chi_order,chi_function=chi_function) self.chi_nonlinearities.append(chi_nonlinearity)
[docs] def normalize_modes(self,): ''' Normalize the modes of Hamiltonian. ''' for i,mode in enumerate(self.modes): mode /= functions._norm_of_mode(mode,map(sum, zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i])))
[docs] def mode_volumes(self,): '''Find the effective volume of each mode to normalize the field. Returns: A list of the effective lengths of the various modes. ''' volumes = [] for i,mode in enumerate(self.modes): for j,delay in enumerate(map(sum, zip(self.delays,self.Delta_delays[i]))): volumes.append( delay * abs(mode[j,0]**2) * self.cross_sectional_area ) return volumes
[docs] def make_nonlin_term_sympy(self,combination,pm_arr): '''Make symbolic nonlinear term using sympy. Example: >>> combination = [1,2,3]; pm_arr = [-1,1,1] >>> print Hamiltonian.make_nonlin_term_sympy(combination,pm_arr) a_1*Dagger(a_2)*Dagger(a_3) Args: combination (tuple/list of integers): indices of which terms to include. pm_arr (tuple/list of +1 and -1): Creation and annihilation indicators for the respective terms in combination. Returns: (sympy expression): symbolic expression for the combination of creation and annihilation operators. ''' r = 1 for index,sign in zip(combination,pm_arr): if sign == 1: r*= self.Dagger(self.a[index]) else: r *= self.a[index] return r
[docs] def phase_weight(self,combination,pm_arr,chi): '''The weight to give to each nonlinear term characterized by the given combination and pm_arr. Args: combination (list/tuple of integers): Which modes/roots to pick pm_arr (list of +1 and -1): creation and annihilation of modes chi (Chi_nonlin): The chi nonlinearity for which to compute the phase coefficient. Returns: The weight to add to the Hamiltonian. ''' omegas_to_use = np.array([self.omegas[i] for i in combination]) modes_to_use = [self.modes[i] for i in combination] polarizations_to_use = [self.polarizations[i] for i in chi.delay_indices] indices_of_refraction = map(chi.refraction_index_func, zip(omegas_to_use,polarizations_to_use) ) return functions.make_nonlinear_interaction( omegas_to_use, modes_to_use, self.delays, chi.delay_indices, chi.start_nonlin, chi.length_nonlin, pm_arr, indices_of_refraction)
[docs] def make_phase_matching_weights(self,weight_keys,chi, filtering_phase_weights = False ,eps = 1e-5): '''Make a dict to store the weights for the selected components and the creation/annihilation information. Args: weight_keys (list of tuples): Keys for weights to consider. Each key is a tuple consisting of two components: the first is a tuple of the indices of modes and the second is a tuple of +1 and -1. filtering_phase_weights (optional[boolean]): Whether or not to filter the phase_matching_weights by the size of their values. The cutoff for their absolute value is given by eps. eps (optional [float]): Cutoff for filtering of weights. Returns: Weights (dict): A dictionary of weights with values corresponding to the phase matching coefficients. ''' weights = {} for comb,pm_arr in weight_keys: weights[comb,pm_arr] = self.phase_weight(comb,pm_arr,chi) if filtering_phase_weights: weights = {k:v for k,v in weights.iteritems() if abs(v) > eps} return weights
[docs] def E_field_weight(self,mode_index): r'''Make the weights for each field component :math:`E_i(n) = [\text{weight}] (a+a^\dagger)`. Args: mode_index (int): The index of the mode. Returns: Weight of E-field (float): It has form: :math:`[\hbar * \omega(n) / 2 V_{eff}(n) \epsilon]^{1/2}`. Here we set \hbar = 1. ''' omega = self.omegas[mode_index] #eps0 = consts.epsilon_0 hbar = consts.hbar return np.sqrt(hbar * abs(omega) / (2 * self.volumes[mode_index]) ) ## / eps0
[docs] def make_E_field_weights(self,): ''' Returns: Weights (dict): A dictionary from mode index to the E-field weight. TODO: In the make_positive_keys_chi2 function, generate and pass the correct polarization functions. ''' weights = {} for mode_index in range(self.m): weights[mode_index] = self.E_field_weight(mode_index) return weights
# def _setup_ranges(max_i,base): # ranges= {} # for i in range(max_i+1): # ranges[i] = np.linspace(6.,11.,1+pow(base,i+1)) # return ranges # def _make_positive_keys_chi2(chi): # ''' # Returns: # # ''' # if chi.chi_order != 2: # raise Exception('chi must of order 2 for this method.') # # ## TODO: get actual modes
[docs] def make_weight_keys(self,chi, key_types = 'all_keys',pols = (1,1,-1), res=(1e-1,1e-1,1e-1)): r''' Make a list of keys for which various weights will be determined. Each key is a tuple consisting of two components: the first is a tuple of the indices of modes and the second is a tuple of +1 and -1. Args: chi (Chi_nonlin): the nonlinearity for which the weight will be found. Returns: Keys (list): A list of keys of the type described. TODO: pass the k(lambda) function from chi to the function called from phase_matching or phase_matching_hash. ''' weight_keys=[] if key_types == 'all_keys': list_of_pm_arr = list(itertools.product([-1, 1], repeat=chi.chi_order+1)) field_combinations = itertools.combinations_with_replacement( range(self.m), chi.chi_order+1) ##generator for combination in field_combinations: for pm_arr in list_of_pm_arr: weight_keys.append( (tuple(combination),tuple(pm_arr)) ) return weight_keys elif not all([el >= 0 for el in self.omegas]): ## We need all omegas to be positive. print "Not all omegas are positive!" else: ## key_types != 'all_keys' and all omegas are positive def filter_by_polarization(positive_omega_indices): '''Filter by polarizations.''' return [indices for indices in positive_omega_indices if all([pols[j] == self.polarizations[i] for j,i in enumerate(indices)])] def sign_tuple(indices,flip = False): '''Tuple of the signs of the indices tuple.''' if flip: return tuple(map(lambda z: -int(np.sign(z)),indices)) else: return tuple(map(lambda z: int(np.sign(z)),indices)) def generate_positive_omega_keys(chi,indices_method,pols=pols): '''Make indices for weights, assuming first two are the SAME sign.''' ## Multiplied by 1e-13 * 2 * pi for units. pos_nus_lst = [ (1e-13 * 2 * consts.pi * omega) for omega in self.omegas if omega >= 0.] positive_omega_indices = indices_method(pos_nus_lst,chi,pols = pols) positive_omega_indices = filter_by_polarization(positive_omega_indices) weight_keys = ( [(indices,sign_tuple(indices)) for indices in positive_omega_indices] + [(indices,sign_tuple(indices, flip = True)) for indices in positive_omega_indices] ) return weight_keys def generate_all_permutations_of_omega_keys(chi,indices_method,pols=pols,permutations=None): weight_keys = [] for perm in permutations: if perm is None: weight_keys.append(generate_positive_omega_keys(chi,indices_method,pols=pols)) else: pols_perm = tuple([pols[p] for p in perm]) permuted_keys = generate_positive_omega_keys(chi,indices_method,pols=pols_perm) umpermuted_keys = [(el[0][p],el[1][p]) for p,el in zip(perm,permuted_keys)] weight_keys.append(umpermuted_keys) return weight_keys if key_types == 'search_voxels' and chi.chi_order == 2: permutations = [None, (2,1,0), (0,2,1)] return generate_all_permutations_of_omega_keys(chi,phase_matching.make_positive_keys_chi2,pols=pols,permutations=permutations) elif key_types == 'hash_method' and chi.chi_order == 3: permutations = [None, (0,2,1,3), (0,2,3,1), (2,0,1,3), (2,0,3,1), (2,3,0,1)] def make_positive_keys_chi3_fixed_res(pos_nus_lst,chi,pols = pols): return phase_matching_hash.make_positive_keys_chi3(pos_nus_lst,chi,pols = pols,res = res) return generate_all_permutations_of_omega_keys(chi,make_positive_keys_chi3_fixed_res,pols=pols,permutations=permutations) print "key_types not known or doesn't match chi_order."
[docs] def make_nonlin_H(self,filtering_phase_weights=False,eps=1e-5): '''Make a nonlinear Hamiltonian based on nonlinear interaction terms Args: filtering_phase_weights (optional[boolean]): Whether or not to filter the phase_matching_weights by the size of their values. The cutoff for their absolute value is given by eps. eps (optional[float]): Cutoff for the significance of a particular term. Returns: Expression (sympy expression): A symbolic expression for the nonlinear Hamiltonian. TODO: Make separate dictionaries for values of chi_function, for phase_matching_weights, and for producs of E_field_weights. filter the keys before generating terms. TODO: Make fast function for integrator; combine with make_f and make_f_lin ''' H_nonlin_sp = sp.Float(0.) self.make_dict_H_nonlin() for term_identifier, value in self.Hamiltonian_dict_nonlin.iteritems(): H_nonlin_sp += self.make_nonlin_term_sympy(*term_identifier) * value return H_nonlin_sp
[docs] def make_lin_H(self,Omega): '''Make a linear Hamiltonian based on Omega. Args: Omega (complex-valued matrix): A matrix that describes the Hamiltonian of the system. Returns: Expression (sympy expression): A symbolic expression for the nonlinear Hamiltonian. ''' self.make_dict_H_lin(Omega) H_lin_sp = sp.Float(0.) for i in range(self.m): for j in range(self.m): H_lin_sp += self.Dagger(self.a[i])*self.a[j]*Omega[i,j] return H_lin_sp
[docs] def make_H(self,eps=1e-5): r'''Make a Hamiltonian combining the linear and nonlinear parts. The term -1j*A carries the effective linear Hamiltonian, including the decay term :math:`-\frac{i}{2} L^\dagger L`. However, this term does not include material effects including dielectric and nonlinear terms. It also does not include a term with contribution from the inputs. If one wishes to include terms due to coherent input, one can impose a linear Hamiltonian term consistent with the classical equations of motion. This yields the usual term :math:`i(a \alpha^* - a^\dagger \alpha)`. To obtain the form :math:`A = i \Omega - \frac{1}{2} C^\dagger C` with :math:`Omega` Hermitian, we notice :math:`A` can be split into Hermitian and anti-Hermitian parts. The anti-Hermitian part of A describes the closed dynamics only and the Hermitian part corresponds to the decay terms due to the coupling to the environment at the input/output ports. Args: Omega (complex-valued matrix): Describes the Hamiltonian of the system. eps (optional[float]): Cutoff for the significance of a particular term. Note: Omega = -1j*A <--- full dynamics (not necessarily Hermitian) Omega = (A-A.H)/(2j) <--- closed dynamics only (Hermitian part of above) Returns: Expression (sympy expression): A symbolic expression for the full Hamiltonian. ''' H_nonlin = self.make_nonlin_H(eps) H_lin = self.make_lin_H(self.Omega) self.H = H_lin + H_nonlin * self.nonlin_coeff # self.H = normal_order((self.H).expand()) return self.H
[docs] def make_dict_H_lin(self,Omega): r''' Using the current information about the modes and chi_nonlinearities, generate a dictioanry mapping ''' self.Hamiltonian_dict_lin = {} for i in range(self.m): for j in range(self.m): combination = (i,j) pm_arr = (+1,-1) ## all terms have form a_i.dag()*a_j self.Hamiltonian_dict_lin[(combination,pm_arr)] = Omega[i,j]
[docs] def make_dict_H_nonlin(self,filtering_phase_weights=False,eps=1e-5): r''' Using the current information about the modes and chi_nonlinearities, generate a dictioanry mapping ''' self.Hamiltonian_dict_nonlin = {} for chi in self.chi_nonlinearities: weight_keys = self.make_weight_keys(chi) phase_matching_weights = self.make_phase_matching_weights( weight_keys,chi,filtering_phase_weights,eps) for combination,pm_arr in phase_matching_weights: omegas_to_use = map(lambda i: self.omegas[i],combination) omegas_with_sign = [omega * pm for omega,pm in zip(omegas_to_use,pm_arr)] pols = map(lambda i: self.polarizations[i],chi.delay_indices) chi_args = omegas_with_sign + pols self.Hamiltonian_dict_nonlin.setdefault( (combination,pm_arr),0.) self.Hamiltonian_dict_nonlin[(combination,pm_arr)] += ( chi.chi_function(*chi_args) * phase_matching_weights[combination,pm_arr] *[self.E_field_weights[i] for i in combination]) )
[docs] def move_to_rotating_frame(self, freqs = 0.,include_time_terms = True): r'''Moves the symbolic Hamiltonian to a rotating frame We apply a change of basis :math:`a_j \to a e^{- i \omega_j}` for each mode :math:`a_j`. This method modifies the symbolic Hamiltonian, so to use it the Hamiltonian sould already be constructed and stored. Args: freqs (optional [real number or list/tuple]): Frequency or list of frequencies to use to displace the Hamiltonian. include_time_terms (optional [boolean]): If this is set to true, we include the terms :math:`e^{- i \omega_j}` in the Hamiltonian resulting from a change of basis. This can be set to False if all such terms have already been eliminated (i.e. if the rotating wave approximation has been applied). TODO: replace the sine and cosine stuff with something nicer. Maybe utilize the _get_real_imag_func method in Time_Delay_Network. ''' if type(freqs) in [float,long,int]: if freqs == 0.: return else: self.move_to_rotating_frame([freqs]*self.m) elif type(freqs) in [list,tuple]: for op,freq in zip(self.a,freqs): self.H -= freq * self.Dagger(op)* op self.H = (self.H).expand() if include_time_terms: for op,freq in zip(self.a,freqs): self.H = (self.H).subs({ self.Dagger(op) : self.Dagger(op)*( sp.cos(freq * self.t) + sp.I * sp.sin(freq * self.t) ), op : op * ( sp.cos(freq * self.t) - sp.I * sp.sin(freq * self.t) ), }) ### Sympy has issues with the complex exponential... # self.H = (self.H).subs({ # self.Dagger(op) : self.Dagger(op)*sp.exp(sp.I * freq * self.t), # op : op*sp.exp(-sp.I * freq * self.t), # }) ### self.H = (self.H).expand() else: print "freqs should be a real number or list of real numbers." return
[docs] def make_eq_motion(self,): r'''Input is a tuple or list, output is a matrix vector. This generates Hamilton's equations of motion for a and a^H. These equations are CLASSICAL equations of motion. This means we replace the operators with c-numbers. The orde r of the operators will yield different results, so we assume the Hamiltonian is already in the desired order (e.g. normally ordered). These equations of motion will not show effects of squeezing. To do this, we will need a full quantum picture. Returns: Equations of Motion (function): A function that yields the Hamiltonian equations of motion based on the Hamiltonian given. The equations of motion map :math:`(t,a) \to v`. where \math:`t` is a scalar corresponding to time, :math:`a` is an array of inputs correpsonding to the internal degrees of freedom, and :math:`v` is a complex-valued column matrix describing the gradient. ''' if self.using_qnet_symbols: print "Warning: The Hamiltonian should be regular c-numbers!" print "Returning None" return None ## c-numbers b = [sp.symbols('b'+str(i)) for i in range(self.m)] b_conj = [sp.symbols('b_H'+str(i)) for i in range(self.m)] D_to_c_numbers = {self.a[i] : b[i] for i in range(self.m)} D_to_c_numbers.update({self.Dagger(self.a[i]) : b_conj[i] for i in range(self.m)}) H_conj = self.Dagger(self.H) H_c_numbers = self.H.subs(D_to_c_numbers) H_conj_c_numbers = H_conj.subs(D_to_c_numbers) ## don't have to copy ## classical equations of motion diff_ls = ([1j*sp.diff(H_c_numbers,var) for var in b_conj ] + [-1j*sp.diff(H_conj_c_numbers,var) for var in b]) fs = ([sp.lambdify( (self.t, b + b_conj), expression) for expression in diff_ls ]) return lambda t,arr: (np.asmatrix([ sp.N ( f(t,arr) ) for f in fs], dtype = 'complex128' )).T
#### In future implementations, we can use theano to make calculations faster #### right now however theano does not have good support for complex numbers. ###f = theano_function([self.t]+b+b_H, diff_ls) ## f(t,b[0],b[1],...) ###F = lambda t,args: np.asarray(f(t,*args)) ## F(t,(b[0],b[1],...)) #return F